Products & Services


Blood Banking Supplies

Clave® Spike $5.00 each | $4.75 each per dozen | $4.50 each (50 ct. case)
Plasma Carton $1.00 each | $0.90 each per dozen | $0.80 each (144 ct. case)
Blood Bag Holder $4.00 each | $3.75 each (100 ct. case)
HemoTemp®Monitor $4.00 each | $3.50 each (40 ct. case)
Aluminum Sealing Clips $1.00 each per dozen | $0.75 each (1000 ct. case)
Blood Type Labels $1.00 each | $ 0.80 each (25 ct. roll)
Fresenius Kabi Tubing Stripper $576.00 each
6000 gram Digital Scale (Dimensions: 9 in. x 7 in. x 2.5 in.) 172.00 each
Microtiter plate (96 wells/’U’ shaped bottom) $6.00 each
ACD-A Anticoagulant 1000 mL Bag $21.00 each
AS-3 Solution 250 mL Bag $21.00 each
Green "Grasshopper" Tubing Clips $1.00 each (sold in bags of 100)

Transfer Bags & Administration Sets

150 ml Transfer Bag $8.00 each | $7.75 each per dozen | $7.50 each (100 ct. case)
300 ml Transfer Bag $9.00 each | $8.75 each per dozen | $8.50 each (100 ct. case)
1000 ml Transfer Bag $19.00 each | $18.50 each per dozen | $17.75 each (100 ct. case)
Hemo-Nate® 18μ Blood Filter $9.00 each | $8.75 each per dozen | $8.00 each (50 ct. case)
Standard Blood Administration Set $12.00 each | $11.00 each per dozen | $10.50 each (50 ct. case)
Feline Straight Administration Set $5.00 each | $4.75 each per dozen | $4.50 each (50 ct. case)

Vacuum Collection Equipment

Vacuum Pump (includes pressure relief valve and vacuum guage) 581.00 each
Vacuum Chamber $379.00 each

Small Animal Blood Collection Systems (without anticoagulant)

The Small Animal Blood Collection Systems are the standard for proper feline blood collection, and are fully integrated solutions for feline and other small animal blood collection. They improve the level of transfusion therapy by allowing the collection and preparation of blood components in a system designed specifically for small animals. The Small Animal Blood Collection Systems incorporate the advantages of a standard human blood bag, including extended blood shelf life, ease of administration and component production.

The systems should be used in conjunction with CPDA-1 or ACD-A anticoagulant for maximum refrigerated storage life of whole blood and red cells. They can be used without anticoagulant for serum production. The systems all have unique numbered donor tubing for accurate tracking. They all have 19 gauge ultra-thin wall butterfly needles. Each is sterile in individual packaging. The Small Animal Syringe Collection Sets are designed to collect blood with the vacuum developed by the use of a syringe. The Small Animal Single and Double blood bags can be used with the vacuum chamber system.

100 ml Single Bag Syringe Set $22.00 ea, $20.50 ea/pack of 12, $19.00 ea/case of 50
100 ml Double Bag Syringe Set $28.00 ea, $25.50 ea/pack of 12, $24.25 ea/case of 50
100ml Single Blood Bag w/ needle $15.00 ea, $14.50 ea/pack of 12, $14.00 ea/case of 50
100ml Double Bag w/ needle $20.00 ea. $19.75 ea/pack of 12, $19.00 ea/case of 50

With Anticoagulant

250 ml CPDA1 Single Bag $19.00 each (5 ct. pack)
450 ml CPD w/ SAG-M Triple Bag $34.00 each (3 ct. pack) | $31.50 each (36 ct. case)
500 ml Leukocyte Reduction Bag $92.00 each (3 ct. pack) | $86.50 each (18 ct. case)
500ml Quad with Diversion Arm - CPDA1 $46.00 each (4 ct. pack) | $39.75 (24 ct. case)

Blood Typing and Crossmatching Supplies

ACT Tube $3.00 each | $2.75 each (100 ct. case)
Alvedia Canine DAT Coombs Test Single Quick Test $30.00 each (plus shipping)
Alvedia Canine DAT Coombs Test Lab Kit (10 tests) $260 each (plus shipping)
Alvedia Canine DEA 1.1 Blood Typing Test Kit $30.00 each (plus shipping)
Alvedia Canine DEA 1.1 LAB Kit (20 tests, requires well tray purchased seperately) $377.00 each | $330 (per 10 kits) (plus shipping)
Alvedia Canine-ONLY Quick Test Crossmatch Kit (1 self-contained kit) $41.00 each (plus shipping)
Alvedia Canine ONLY Crossmatch Lab Kit (5 tests with shared supplies) $160 for 5 tests (plus shipping)
Alvedia Feline only Quick Test Crossmatch Kit (1 self-contained kit) $41.00 each (plus shipping)
Alvedia Feline ONLY Crossmatch Lab Kit $160 (5 tests) (plus shipping)
Alvedia Feline A+B Blood Typing Test Kit $30.00 each (plus shipping)
Alvedia Feline A+B LAB Kit (20 tests, requires well tray purchased separately) $377.00 each | $330 each (10 kits) (plus shipping)
RapidVet™-H Canine Blood Typing Kit - 2 Cards $67.00 | $160 for 5 cards (plus shipping)
RapidVet™-H Canine Blood Typing Kit - 20 Cards $550.00 (plus shipping)
RapidVet™ H Feline Blood Typing Kit – 2 cards $67.00 | $160 for 5 cards (plus shipping)
RapidVet™ H Feline Blood Typing Kit – 20 cards $550.00 (plus shipping)
RapidVet™-H Major Crossmatch Kit – (3 Tests) $180.00 each (plus shipping)
RapidVet™-H Minor Crossmatch Kit – (3 Tests) $180.00 each (plus shipping)

Without Anticoagulant

300 ml Blood Collection Bag $14.00 each | $13.50 each per dozen | $12.25 each (50 ct. case)
600 ml Blood Collection Bag $12.00 each | $11.50 each per dozen | $11.00 each (50 ct. case)
1 L Blood Collection Bag $15.00 each | $14.50 each per dozen | $14.00 each (50 ct. case)
2 L Blood Collection Bag $20.00 each | $19.00 each per dozen | $17.75 each (50 ct. case)
4 L Blood Collection Bag $18.00 each | $17.75 each per dozen | $17.00 each (50 ct. case)
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